Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Larangan Masuk

Foto ini diambil beberapa hari yang lalu setelah pemasangan board ini.

Aku ingin bertanya sebenarnya apa sih arti "Office of Residence Life"?

Apakah itu berarti Kantor Kehidupan Asrama?
Isn't weird? Ato aku yang salah artiin?

Ada yang punya ide?


Anonymous said...



goblog ya gw?lebih gila lagi yang bikin pengumuman. sejak kapan "MALE PROHIBITED TO ENTER THIS AREA" artinya jadi "PRIA DILARANG MASUK KECUALI PETUGAS"? harusnya pan "PRIA DILARANG MASUK KE AREA INI". Itu pun salah grammarnya. mestinya "MALE IS PROHIBITED"...dasar bahasa inggris kampung...+_+

diLLa said...

justru itu lah gw juga bingung pengartian bahasa nya.

jadi sbnr ny dorm kita berbasis internasional ato nasional (baca: daerah) yaaa?

Anonymous said...

heueheh ... penembusbatas' comment is way funny. Anyway, Office of Residence Life is a term used by most dorm management people in US. It may sound a little weird,but it is not wrong.
Btw, Dilla, can I use this picture? I wanted to take photo of it before, but now some rebellious students had broke the sign.

diLLa said...

waw. ic ic. it means

i thought officer take it out.
who did it, ms?

yeah u can use it, ms.sandy..

Anonymous said...

waw...dirusak??good students...:D

Anonymous said...

@penembusbatas : -_- thats vandalism.
btw, i have no idea who did it, probably time to install CCTV ??

Anonymous said...

Thanks, but no thanks. :D

diLLa said...

i am wondering why do we need CCTV?

huahh,, its not sounds like a dormitory anymore.

Anonymous said...

wah.. it means i can not ngapel2 lg donk...

diLLa said...

yeah. then i will not di apel"in no more deh.

Unknown said...

just heard that the executive chief of the management pernah jadi kepala asrama di US..wondering di sana co ce ga boleh ketemuan juga ga ya...

diLLa said...

serius lo?

masa c?